Sun City Beautification Project - Sun City PRIDES and MCDOT team up to save water and “beautify” Sun City.
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To assist Maricopa County in keeping Sun City, Arizona, a clean and beautiful place in which to live and work.
Partnering with Maricopa County by the numbers
Number of Years Prides has Served Sun City
Number of Prides Volunteers
Number of Volunteer Hours in 2024
Miles Cleaned by Prides Volunteers for Maricopa County

Sun City PRIDES, Proud Residents Independently Donating Essential Services, work hard all year to keep the 210 miles of streets, parkways, and medians in Sun City clean and neat.
The PRIDES became a non profit organization in 1982 and by 1983 had 319 active volunteer members. Today, PRIDES volunteers still number in the 200s and work hasn't slowed down one bit. Maricopa County officials have estimated that the 62,000 hours of work performed by the volunteers have a value of more than $400,000 annually.
The PRIDES depend on donations from citizens, clubs, and businesses to provide funds for tools and tree and shrub replacement. The County supplies safety vests, plastic trash bags, paint for trees, and other material and supplies.
For more information on the History of the Sun City PRIDES, click here.
For more information on how YOU can help the PRIDES with their important work, keep reading. There's more information below on many things you can do with the PRIDES.
The PRIDES became a non profit organization in 1982 and by 1983 had 319 active volunteer members. Today, PRIDES volunteers still number in the 200s and work hasn't slowed down one bit. Maricopa County officials have estimated that the 62,000 hours of work performed by the volunteers have a value of more than $400,000 annually.
The PRIDES depend on donations from citizens, clubs, and businesses to provide funds for tools and tree and shrub replacement. The County supplies safety vests, plastic trash bags, paint for trees, and other material and supplies.
For more information on the History of the Sun City PRIDES, click here.
For more information on how YOU can help the PRIDES with their important work, keep reading. There's more information below on many things you can do with the PRIDES.
WHAT You can do with the prides
The PRIDES serve the folks in Sun City in MANY ways. Take a look at what we do for you and see if there's a spot for YOU on our team!
Like working on a team?
We have a group of volunteers (called the Squad) who meet every Saturday morning to do what needs to be done. This may be picking ornamental oranges off trees so they don't leave a mess on our Sun City streets and sidewalks, or we may pull weeds or remove litter. What's even better is we have fun doing it and usually find time to enjoy a meal together as well.
Like working on your own?
We have PRIDES volunteers who have their own assigned areas (usually close to home) and who are responsible for keeping that area neat and tidy.
Have some special skills - maybe you are handy or mechanically inclined?
We have van drivers
We have volunteers responsible for keeping our equipment in great working order
We have volunteers who keep our building organized and clean
We paint over graffiti
We paint guard rails
Do you like working with plants and trees?
We trim shrubs and trees
We prune trees
We paint trees
More comfortable inside? There are many ways you can help!
We answer calls and emails from the public
We phone our members who don't have email
We keep the records of our vehicle drivers
We arrange for everything that is done for fairs and craft shows
We arrange PRIDES functions
We maintain our web site
We keep volunteer records and award service pins
Just like helping out in any way you can?
We have volunteers responsible for our safety vests and hats
We make sure our flags are flying
Do you enjoy taking a leadership position?
We have volunteers who work in leadership positions, such as Safety Officer, Phase Coordinators, Squad Leaders, Committee Chairs and members, and members of the Board of Directors
Like working on a team?
We have a group of volunteers (called the Squad) who meet every Saturday morning to do what needs to be done. This may be picking ornamental oranges off trees so they don't leave a mess on our Sun City streets and sidewalks, or we may pull weeds or remove litter. What's even better is we have fun doing it and usually find time to enjoy a meal together as well.
Like working on your own?
We have PRIDES volunteers who have their own assigned areas (usually close to home) and who are responsible for keeping that area neat and tidy.
Have some special skills - maybe you are handy or mechanically inclined?
We have van drivers
We have volunteers responsible for keeping our equipment in great working order
We have volunteers who keep our building organized and clean
We paint over graffiti
We paint guard rails
Do you like working with plants and trees?
We trim shrubs and trees
We prune trees
We paint trees
More comfortable inside? There are many ways you can help!
We answer calls and emails from the public
We phone our members who don't have email
We keep the records of our vehicle drivers
We arrange for everything that is done for fairs and craft shows
We arrange PRIDES functions
We maintain our web site
We keep volunteer records and award service pins
Just like helping out in any way you can?
We have volunteers responsible for our safety vests and hats
We make sure our flags are flying
Do you enjoy taking a leadership position?
We have volunteers who work in leadership positions, such as Safety Officer, Phase Coordinators, Squad Leaders, Committee Chairs and members, and members of the Board of Directors
opportunities to help
See the "What You Can Do with the PRIDES" lists above for examples of volunteer opportunities. Or maybe you have other skills we need! To volunteer with the Sun City PRIDES, Inc. just click on the link below to sign up. A PRIDES member will be in touch with you soon.
Click here to go to the Volunteer/Contact Registration Form.
Call us at (623) 972-6558 or drop us an email by clicking on the Contact Us page and filling out the simple contact form.
Click here to go to the Volunteer/Contact Form.
Make your tax deductible check payable to Sun City PRIDES, Inc.
Mail to Sun City PRIDES, Inc.
P.O. Box 1463
Sun City, AZ 85372
Click here for a simple, printable brochure that explains how.
See the "What You Can Do with the PRIDES" lists above for examples of volunteer opportunities. Or maybe you have other skills we need! To volunteer with the Sun City PRIDES, Inc. just click on the link below to sign up. A PRIDES member will be in touch with you soon.
Click here to go to the Volunteer/Contact Registration Form.
Call us at (623) 972-6558 or drop us an email by clicking on the Contact Us page and filling out the simple contact form.
Click here to go to the Volunteer/Contact Form.
Make your tax deductible check payable to Sun City PRIDES, Inc.
Mail to Sun City PRIDES, Inc.
P.O. Box 1463
Sun City, AZ 85372
Click here for a simple, printable brochure that explains how.
See Our upcoming Events
We communicate with members via email. If you are not receiving emails please let us know via the Contact Us page that we need to update our database.
Check out our upcoming Events here.
Check out our upcoming Events here.
The Prides can be contacted at (623) 972 6558; or at P.O. Box 1463, Sun City, AZ 85372
You can also send us an email by going to our Contact Us Page.
You can also send us an email by going to our Contact Us Page.
Maricopa County resources

Non-Emergency: Pothole Repair, Vegetation Concerns, and Shoulder Errosion
Notify MCDOT is a free and easy-to-use service residents can use to report non-emergency Maricopa County roadway concerns.
Potholes, street repairs, overgrown vegetation and more can be reported from the convenience of a smartphone. Notify MCDOT allows you to upload pictures of the issue, and you can make your request using the GPS location-based map.
Notify MCDOT is not monitored 24/7 and not intended for emergency situations. Click here for more information on this County resource.
Emergency: Missing/Damaged Signs, Flooded Roadways and Traffic SignalsIf Reporting a critical sign (as shown below), a flooded roadway, or a traffic signal Issue, please call 602-506-6063 immediately. If after hours, call the Sheriff's Office: 602-876-1000.
Notify MCDOT is a free and easy-to-use service residents can use to report non-emergency Maricopa County roadway concerns.
Potholes, street repairs, overgrown vegetation and more can be reported from the convenience of a smartphone. Notify MCDOT allows you to upload pictures of the issue, and you can make your request using the GPS location-based map.
Notify MCDOT is not monitored 24/7 and not intended for emergency situations. Click here for more information on this County resource.
Emergency: Missing/Damaged Signs, Flooded Roadways and Traffic SignalsIf Reporting a critical sign (as shown below), a flooded roadway, or a traffic signal Issue, please call 602-506-6063 immediately. If after hours, call the Sheriff's Office: 602-876-1000.